You Must Say YES to The Voice. Or Else!

Shôn Ellerton, Jun 16, 2023
You’re obviously a racist, a bigot, and a white supremacist if you don’t support The Voice.
Australia’s not a half bad country to be in but it would certainly become a better place if we could rid ourselves of the headless idiotic politicians who are ever pushing the ‘sorry’ narrative or ‘filling the gap’ without an agreed outcome or endgame. Or the insistence that every presentation start with an acknowledgement speech assuming all in attendance must agree with the implication that, somehow or another, we are all complicit with colonising the nation and taking away the land of the Aboriginals. And most recently, this most ridiculous notion of wanting to alter the Constitution to specifically include only indigenous peoples of Australia in, yet another useless body of individuals which the taxpayer will have to foot.
This new party or committee, of which nothing or very little is known as to what it will comprise, shall be known as ‘The Voice’. For those not familiar with the proposal referendum which is expected to be carried out later this year, the idea is to add three clauses to the Constitution.
They are as follows.
There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
And three.
The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.
As of writing, it recently passed the lower house, not surprisingly, by the loud mealy-mouthed bunch of buffoons who have no real interest in indigenous communities other than getting brownie points by virtual signalling and filling up their own coffers by creating more unnecessary government appendages that will, do doubt, spectacularly fail as so many other similar initiatives have done so in the past.
One may wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, there are only three little clauses which should have no detrimental effect to the running of the Constitution. And this is how the Labour government are portraying this. By accusing the other side of making such a ruckus of the issue. And furthermore, to point fingers out to anyone who disagrees with the motion by citing them as racists. Even more egregious are the lies and mistruths put out by Labour to denigrate the existing indigenous people who are already representing Parliament including such illustrious figures like Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine who are vehemently against the motion of having The Voice added to the Constitution.
Switching on the radio during my regular afternoon drive home during May, I heard the endless debates between speakers trying to outdo each other on either side, supporting or opposing the motion. As expected, and on cue, the Labour party, a party that thrives on sprouting new agencies and committees, have relentlessly shoved the narrative of the Voice down the throat of Australians by lambasting those who are against it as being racist and supremacist. While those against the motion are accusing Labour of dividing the country by creating a different set of values for different people on racial terms. Then Labour will, as always, resurrect all the history about the wrongdoings that took place during Australia’s creation. How the Aboriginals lived in peace and harmony on a land free from the ‘evils of the white people’. This sort of garbage is often spoken by some privileged well-to-do sort who, I can guarantee, will never give one cent of his or her own money to this so-called oppressed community. I doubt some of them have ever been to the Aboriginal communities at all nor understand much about them either. Rather, they incessantly spin their own home-grown narratives, which serve only to waste taxpayers’ money whilst making themselves richer.
One of those who opposed the motion quite rightfully stated that Australia would not be what it is today without the rich and diverse culture from those around the world who chose to have Australia as their new home. This statement alone shatters the narrative Labour is often associated with. The welcoming of new migrants from around the world who bring with them, varied cultures from food to music. Yet, Labour is far more interested in keeping the Aboriginal and other indigenous peoples as museum pieces rather than integrate them into Australian society. Without a shadow of a doubt, this new proposed ‘Voice’ will do absolutely nothing to change the lives of indigenous people, except for those who are leveraging it for their own benefit. For example, the patriarchal indigenous elders, who have near-supreme command across their local indigenous communities, many of which are off-limits to non-indigenous Australians.
The whole charade is tiresome and pointless, especially when more important issues can be debated. On a more positive note, most referendums have been unsuccessful due to the stringent measures put in place to ensure that any referendum that passes undergoes rigorous trial and examination. Ultimately, it is for the people to decide, but I have no doubt that Labour will keep pushing and pushing this most divisive and absurd motion and continue to hound, accuse, and attempt to tarnish the reputations of those who are opposed to it on wrongful grounds of racism and supremacy.
If the referendum vote was conducted by an open show of hands, it would be highly likely that the motion would pass and The Voice newly enshrined in the Constitution. Many would be fearful of being hunted down and branded as an enemy of the people by the lunatics whose illogical ideology, much like a religion, is all consuming. However, thankfully, the vote will be done in private, and I would expect the vote to be a resounding NO.